Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hedon (Hull) Crime Prevention Event - Saturday 26th June

Hedon neighbourhood officers are holding a crime prevention day in the Co-Op car park on Hull Road, Hedon on Saturday 25 June 2011 with a specific focus on shed, garage and garden security.
Between 1000hrs and 1500hrs on Saturday 25 June 2011 the Neighbourhood Policing Team will be working in the car park offering crime prevention literature and advice to shoppers.

The team will also be offering cycle post coding free of charge. This helps police trace stolen cycle and increase the likelihood of these cycles being returned to their owners.

PCSO Janice Wilcock said: "Events like this are a fantastic opportunity for the public to come and see their local policing team in a convenient and relaxed environment. We are looking forward to speaking to lots of the local community about their neighbourhoods and offering crime prevention to help avoid them becoming victims of crime.

"We have chosen shed, garage and garden security as traditionally this time of the year crimes from these places increase as people invest in new gardening and DIY tools as well as leisure equipment before storing them in outbuildings.

"However the security of gardens and the buildings in them are forgotten about while people focus on ensuring their homes are safe which is understandable. However by making a few modifications to sheds and garages they can be made more secure."

"At this event we hope to educate people in methods of deterring thieves from targeting property in gardens. These methods can include decreasing the levels of cover by installing lights, increasing the time taken to gain entry through more secure locks or by increasing the chance of detection through property marking or alarms.

"The aim ultimately is working with the community of Hedon in order to prevent crimes from happening in the area through the use of crime prevention techniques and this event will help to achieve this."

At the event people can also find out about home and vehicle crime prevention.

If you would like to attend either Crime Prevention Day, or would like further advice on making your gardens safer this summer and also have your cycle post coded please come along to Co-Op car park on Hull Road in Hedon, between 1000hrs and 150hrs on Saturday 25 June 2011

(Reproduced from 10th June 2011)

Gardien Tip:  All the products required to help minimise shed, garage and garden security can be found at and see in particular the article on Shed Security at

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