Thursday, November 25, 2010

Police issue Ribble Valley crime alert for dark nights

POLICE in the Ribble Valley are urging people not to be left in the dark with their home security now the clocks have gone back.
Officers are reminding householders to check lighting and security and to brush up on those good security habits that may have been relaxed during the summer.
Neighbourhood Policing Insp. Debby Carter said: "Crime levels, including burglary figures, are currently at an all time low across Lancashire, but it is important that homeowners don't become complacent. "With the dark nights upon us, now is an ideal time to double check security and lighting and make sure that your home is adequately protected."
Insp. Carter urged homeowners to:
Consider fitting a burglar alarm system, which provides a visible deterrent to the front and back of your home as well as audible warning. Even a cheap DIY one is better than nothing at all.
Check your outside security lighting is working.
Check your tools, spades, ladders, etc that may be left out in your garden or yard are securely locked away.
Make sure doors and windows are locked and secure when you leave your home. Beware of any "bogus caller" at the door. Keep them out, and call the police. Leave a light on in a room and remember to draw the curtains when you go out at night. Or invest in a timer switch for lights. They are cheaply available from many main stores and supermarkets.
Mark your postcode and house number on expensive electrical equipment and property with a UV security pen, permanent marker or engraver.
Keep the garden tidy with shrubs and trees cut back so they can't provide a screen for thieves.
Put house and car keys away safely where they cannot be seen when they are not in use and well away from the doors they unlock.
Insp. Carter added: "Crime is extremely low and by working together we can keep it that way. If people follow these handy hints and tips they can reduce the risk of being targeted by thieves even further."

(Reproduced from Clitheroe Today, 23rd Nov 2010)

Gardien Tip: Sadly an increase in petty crime is predicted during the forthcoming period of austerity but the necessary products to help minimise your own risk of being a victim can be found at

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